Music for MDA
Music for MDA
Music for MDA was created in October, 2011, as a way to bring musicians and friends together to raise awareness, support, and money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. We are now looking forward to our fourth Music for MDA concert event to be held on June 29th from 2-6PM.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association is leading the fight against neuromuscular diseases through programs of worldwide research, comprehensive medical and support services, and far-reaching professional and public health education. On the local level, MD provides direct support in a wide range of services and medical equipment to victims of muscle diseases, their families, and care-givers. With national headquarters in Tucson, MDA currently has more than 200 local offices across the country, sponsors some 200 medical clinics and supports more than 300 research projects around the world.
Musicians are the heart and soul of Music for MDA, and we are so very grateful for the extraordinary kindness and generosity of the many musicians and friends who have helped to make Music for MDA concerts a reality, and in the process have become co-fighters against neuromuscular diseases.
Additional donations are gratefully accepted and can be made at http://www2.mda.org/goto/MusicforMDA
100% of proceeds to The Muscular Dystrophy Association