Jackson, WY
Hosted by JD High Country Outfitters
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Aug 27 - 08:00 PM
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Join us at the 2015 Hunting Film Tour in Jackson, WY on August 27th, 2015. This event is hosted by JD High Country Outfitters and proceeds from this event will benefit Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Ducks Unlimited, so come out and have a good time for a great cause.
This event will be held at the Pink Garter Theatre in Jackson, WY and doors will open at 6:00pm so come in early to catch up with your hunting buddies and make new ones. The film will begin promptly at 7:00pm.
Tickets will be available at the theatre, at JD High Country Outfitters, and on The Hunting Film Tour Website for $15.
For more information on this event please contact the local contact Keith O'Toole at keitho@jdhcoutfitters.com
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