16th Annual Cowboy Legacy Reunion and Hall of Fame Banquet
Cowboy Legacy Reunion and Hall of Fame Banquet
$50 - $1,000
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
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Table Sponsorship Included : Seating and Dinner for 10 People, Buckle and Plaque Sponsorship
Honor your favorite cowboy or cowgirl by sponsoring them with a Table paid for the awards ceremony. You or your company will be acknowledged as a sponsor during the Cowboy Legacy Reunion Dinner and Awards Ceremony, You will also be allowed to hang your banner up in the arena during the Banquet in April 2024 your company brand will be put on the main banner with all of the other Sponsors that will be present where all the pictures are taken with the winners of the events.
Cowboy Legacy Reunion Table for 10 with Dinner Included
Seating and Dinner for 1 Person
Cowboy Legacy Reunion Scholarship Sponsor- Honor your favorite cowboy or cowgirl by sponsoring our Scholarship Program in their name. We give at least (1) $5,000.00 Scholarship per year to a deserving student that is a Senior in HS. Or if you have an item that you would like to donate to the Auction all of the money goes to the Scholarship program. You or your company will be acknowledged as a sponsor during the Cowboy Legacy Reunion Dinner and Awards Ceremony, You will also be allowed to hang your banner up in the arena during the Banquet in April 2024 your company brand will be put on the main banner with all of the other Sponsors that will be present where all the pictures are taken with the winners of the events.
Cowboy Legacy Reunion Scholarship Sponsor- Honor your favorite cowboy or cowgirl by sponsoring our Scholarship Program in their name. We give at least (1) $5,000.00 Scholarship per year to a deserving student that is a Senior in HS. Or if you have an item that you would like to donate to the Auction all of the money goes to the Scholarship program. You or your company will be acknowledged as a sponsor during the Cowboy Legacy Reunion Dinner and Awards Ceremony, You will also be allowed to hang your banner up in the arena during the Banquet in April 2024 your company brand will be put on the main banner with all of the other Sponsors that will be present where all the pictures are taken with the winners of the events.
Cowboy Legacy Reunion Buckle Sponsor included: Buckle and Plaque
Honor your favorite cowboy or cowgirl with by sponsoring them this year with an Award, You or your company will be acknowledged as a sponsor during the Cowboy Legacy Reunion Dinner and Awards Ceremony, You will also be allowed to hang your banner up in the arena during the Rodeo and Bull Riding on March 2023, your company brand will be put on the main banner with all of the other Sponsors that will be present where all the pictures are taken with the winners of the events.
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Every year The Cowboy Legacy Reunion & Rodeo honors Kowbell’s and Rodeo’s Greatest! A contestant in each event: Bull Riding, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, Calf Roping is chosen to be “Hall of Fame” for each event. Currently we are still honoring riders from the 60’s & 70’s. Many of your best in rodeo history have had their day at Kowbell. Many just made a name for themselves in Mansfield. Our goal is to keep the memories of great riders alive and let them shine. “Honoring the Locals” is our way of saying thank you to the one’s that kept the Legacy of Kowbell arena going for 35 years.
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