2023 State Mandated Courses
Get all of your Florida Mandated Courses in one meeting!
Preventing Medical Errors (2 hours)
Dr. Robert Johnson, DDS - As required by the Florida Legislature, Section 456.013(7) - this two-hour course includes root-cause analysis, error reduction and the prevention of medical errors. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the problem of medical errors, factors contributing to the occurrence of these errors, and steps that can be taken by institutions and individual care providers to reduce medical errors.
Prescribing of Controlled Substances (2 hours)
Dr. Michael Ragan, DDS, JD - Dentists registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and authorized to prescribe controlled substances must complete 2 hours of safe and effective prescribing of controlled substance medications every renewal, included in general hours.
Domestic Violence (2 hours)
Kattia Castellanos, CGPD Victims Unit - This course is designed to increase awareness among health care professionals of the prevalence of domestic violence, the categories of domestic violence that they may encounter in their practice, how to recognize the signs of domestic violence, and their obligations for reporting known or suspected domestic violence. It meets the 2 hours required for relicensure.