2024 FFI Gulf Coast Classic
Join us for a celebration of fly fishing on the Gulf Coast, featuring a wide range of activities for the family
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Sat, May 04 - 02:30 PM
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The Classic offers numerous opportunities to connect with people from across the region who share a love of fly fishing, or for those wishing to learn about the most enjoyable way to fish. Learn about new techniques, new flies, places to fish, the joy of kayak fishing, or improve your casting or tying skills. There will be programs oriented to women, and special activities and environmental education experiences for kids and families. As well as programs dedicated to learning more about our aquatic resources and what we're doing to preserve and protect them. Best of all, the emerald white sand beach is on the premises, as well as great brackish-water fishing in Lake Shelby.
Among the activities tentatively planned:
Seminars on fishing locations, tactics, and species
Fly tying demonstrations
Exhibitors and vendors
Conservation programs
Beginner fly casting instruction (free with admission)
Beginner fly tying instruction (free with admission)
Fly tying workshops (registration required)
Casting workshops (registration required)
Mixed Bag Challenge fishing contest (free with registration)
Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) (ticket purchase required, limited seating)
Raffles & silent auction, offering many one-of-a-kind items
Details of these activities can be found at www.ffigulfcoastclassic.com.This event will be focused on activities and education in the form of fly tying, casting, various methods for catching species on the fly, fly fishing destinations. But also with an emphasis on conservation, including a keynote address from one of the nation's foremost conservation advocates. Many of the region’s top fly tyers will be on hand demonstrating their favorite patterns. We’ll have a large raffle and silent auction with many unique items. Along with a fly fishing film festival, and other cool happenings.
And we will have a unique fishing tournament – our Mixed Bag Challenge will focus on diversity, not size. After all, Gulf State Park is a very unique location for fly fishing enthusiasts, with 600-acre Lake Shelby within the park offering a wide variety of both fresh and brackish species. The clear Gulf waters along the park’s beach are home to pompano, spanish mackerel, bluefish, ladyfish, and numerous other marine species. And for non-anglers, there's a multitude of things to see and do around Gulf Shores and nearby Pensacola.
For volunteers, presenters, fly tyers, vendors and exhibitors, the Gulf Coast Council has procured the on-campus dormitories for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. This extraordinary facility comes complete with linens, wi-fi, and more. Registration for these beds will be in advance for those who have accepted our invitation as a volunteer, presenter, fly tyer, etc. Cost will be $50 per night, a bargain compared to hotel rates in the area. On April 5th, any open beds will be extended to any attendees who have registered for the event (first-come, first-serve).
Great opportunities exist for Gulf Coast Classic Sponsors and Donors, Demonstration Fly Tyers, and Volunteers. We hope you will participate through one or more of these opportunities.
For complete details of the Classic, go to our website at www.ffigulfcoastclassic.com.

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