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2025 Beast Feast Benefiting the DDX3X Foundation

2025 Beast Feast benefiting the DDX3X Foundation
$5 - $40
insert_invitation Fri, Apr 18 at 6:00 PM (CDT)
location_on Stagecoach Event Center, Newkirk, Oklahoma
You are able to pay for shirts through this page, to choose which design and your shirt sizes click here Shirt Order Page.
local_activity Event Admission
local_activity Optional Donation
Optional Additional Donation
local_activity Event T-shirt(s)
Go to Shirt Order Page to choose sizes and design. https://forms.gle/AQCTi5p1Y5GUprfY6
local_activity Shirt shipping fee if not attending event
This option is to have your shirt shipped, if you will not be attending the event in person.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Stagecoach Event Center
{{ directions }}
Stagecoach Event Center
400 W South Street
Newkirk, Oklahoma 74647
 Welcome to the Beast Feast! Benefiting the DDX3X Foundation! Be ready for your taste buds to be amazed and bewildered! Featuring game from far away places which will please your taste buds.  
This event is near and dear to our hearts as many of you know, our daughter Emma has DDX3X, and she is a great joy to our family! If you are interested in learning more about DDX3X please visit DDX3X.org.
If you order a t-shirt or not, please plan on wearing purple when you come!
Here is the link to order your t-shirts and choose your design. SHIRT ORDER PAGE
You will pay for your shirts at the same time as your tickets. After checking out go to SHIRT ORDER PAGE and put your sizes and design choices. 

Shirt orders must be placed by 3/31/25. 

We are offering Table Sponsorships they are $1,000 each with limited availability. Please contact us directly if you are interested. Spencer 580-352-2326 or Lindsay 405-659-6608.
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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
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Map of Stagecoach Event Center
{{ directions }}
Stagecoach Event Center
400 W South Street
Newkirk, Oklahoma 74647