BCA Birthday Pool Party Package
Members can reserve Birthday Party Pool Packages at Brandermill Pools
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Sun, Sep 04 - 07:00 PM
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Birthday Pool Party Package
Available from June 4th – September 4th
Residents can purchase a 2-hour birthday pool party package that
includes ten guests, a tablecloth and choice color of balloons at any of
the pools. The package will also have a birthday party host to set up
and clean up the pool deck pavilion party area and lead three fun-filled
age-appropriate games in and out of the pool for guests to enjoy.
Cost: $150
*Additional guests are $10. If your party has 25 or more guests (children), an additional charge of $25 per
hour to cover additional lifeguard coverage. All payments must be submitted at least a week
in advance. Checks or money orders are accepted at the BCA office. Payments for Birthday
Party Packages will not be accepted at the pool.
Please see the list below of pool party games to choose from.
Please see the list below of pool party games to choose from.
Duck Push
How to play: Give each player a rubber duck and send them one end of the pool. When you say, “Go,” players must push their duck to the other end of the pool . . . without using their hands! Party guests can push the ducks with their noses, blow on them, or bump them with their foreheads – whatever it takes to get the duck moving. The first one to get their duck to the other end of the pool wins!
How to play: Fill the 2-liter bottle with pool water, and close it tightly. Divide players into two teams, and have the teams move to opposite ends of the pool, facing away from the water. Throw the bottle into the water. When they hear the splash, the teams can turn around and try to find the bottle. The clear bottle will blend in and become almost invisible at the bottom of the pool. The first team to find it wins!
Sharks and Minnows
How to play: Pick one player to be the “shark.” The rest of the players will be “minnows.” The “shark” goes to the middle of the pool, while the minnows gather on one end of the pool. When the shark yells, “GO,” the minnows must swim to the other end of the pool – without getting tagged by the shark. If a “minnow” player is tagged, the minnow has to leave the group and become a shark. As you play, the group of sharks will grow and the group of minnows will shrink. The last minnow to survive without getting tagged wins the game.
How to play: Give each player a rubber duck and send them one end of the pool. When you say, “Go,” players must push their duck to the other end of the pool . . . without using their hands! Party guests can push the ducks with their noses, blow on them, or bump them with their foreheads – whatever it takes to get the duck moving. The first one to get their duck to the other end of the pool wins!
How to play: Fill the 2-liter bottle with pool water, and close it tightly. Divide players into two teams, and have the teams move to opposite ends of the pool, facing away from the water. Throw the bottle into the water. When they hear the splash, the teams can turn around and try to find the bottle. The clear bottle will blend in and become almost invisible at the bottom of the pool. The first team to find it wins!
Sharks and Minnows
How to play: Pick one player to be the “shark.” The rest of the players will be “minnows.” The “shark” goes to the middle of the pool, while the minnows gather on one end of the pool. When the shark yells, “GO,” the minnows must swim to the other end of the pool – without getting tagged by the shark. If a “minnow” player is tagged, the minnow has to leave the group and become a shark. As you play, the group of sharks will grow and the group of minnows will shrink. The last minnow to survive without getting tagged wins the game.
Pool Party Bingo (outside pool)
How to play: Everyone gets a BINGO card. You party host will call out the random pictures on the card. The first player to get one row, a diagonal row, four corners or fill the game card, wins.
How to play: Everyone gets a BINGO card. You party host will call out the random pictures on the card. The first player to get one row, a diagonal row, four corners or fill the game card, wins.
Water Balloon Toss (outside pool) How to play:
Everyone partners up with another party guest to create teams of two. Each team will start close to each other and toss the water balloon to their partner, back and forth. If they catch the water balloon, they take a step back but if their water balloon pops, that team is out. The team to successfully catch the water balloon without popping wins.
Dive Stick Collection
How to play: Divide players into two teams. Throw the dive sticks into the shallow end of the pool. When you say, “Go,” players dive underwater to collect one of the items from the bottom of the pool. Each team collects as many dive sticks as they can. The first team to collect the most dive sticks wins. Secret messages How to play: Start by choosing someone to say the message (usually one or two words) and someone to be the guesser. Go underwater at the same time. The messenger says a word loudly underwater. When you get back up the guesser has to say
How to play: Divide players into two teams. Throw the dive sticks into the shallow end of the pool. When you say, “Go,” players dive underwater to collect one of the items from the bottom of the pool. Each team collects as many dive sticks as they can. The first team to collect the most dive sticks wins. Secret messages How to play: Start by choosing someone to say the message (usually one or two words) and someone to be the guesser. Go underwater at the same time. The messenger says a word loudly underwater. When you get back up the guesser has to say
what word they think the person said. Consider choosing a theme, like animals or fruits, to make it a little easier to guess the word.
Musical Towels
How to play: This game is just like musical chairs. Keep the beach towels in a big circle one less than the number of players. As the music starts, players must walk around the beach towels until the music stops. As the music stops, players must sit on the beach towel. The person who does not make it to a beach towel is out. Remove another towel and start the music again. Keep repeating this until there is only one person left who then becomes the winner.
Musical Towels
How to play: This game is just like musical chairs. Keep the beach towels in a big circle one less than the number of players. As the music starts, players must walk around the beach towels until the music stops. As the music stops, players must sit on the beach towel. The person who does not make it to a beach towel is out. Remove another towel and start the music again. Keep repeating this until there is only one person left who then becomes the winner.
Secret messages
How to play: Start by choosing someone to say the message (usually one or two words) and someone to be the guesser. Go underwater at the same time. The messenger says a word loudly underwater. When you get back up the guesser has to say
How to play: Start by choosing someone to say the message (usually one or two words) and someone to be the guesser. Go underwater at the same time. The messenger says a word loudly underwater. When you get back up the guesser has to say
what word they think the person said. Consider choosing a theme, like animals or fruits, to make it a little easier to guess the word.
Water Balloon Toss (outside pool)
How to play: Everyone partners up with another party guest to create teams of two. Each team will start close to each other and toss the water balloon to their partner, back and forth. If they catch the water balloon, they take a step back but if their water balloon pops, that team is out. The team to successfully catch the water balloon without popping wins.
How to play: Everyone partners up with another party guest to create teams of two. Each team will start close to each other and toss the water balloon to their partner, back and forth. If they catch the water balloon, they take a step back but if their water balloon pops, that team is out. The team to successfully catch the water balloon without popping wins.
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