8th Annual Freedom Ride Poker Run & Music Festival
WHO: Freedom Ride Fest proceeds benefit the Nonprofit Organization, Lorain County Pit Crew. Lorain County Pit Crew (“LCPC”)’s mission is to help Bully breed owners keep their dogs in their homes. LCPC is a proactive organization that alleviates hardships by providing services and needs that are otherwise unaffordable or inaccessible, often forcing dog owners to re-home or surrender their dogs to already overwhelmed shelters and rescues, all too often ending in euthanasia of many great dogs due to no fault of their own. LCPC raises funds to provide free spay/neuters, immunizations, training, food, other services and supplies to pit bull owners in Lorain County. LCPC has goals and future visions of a launching an educational program involving a dog training, sport, and recreation club for the youth that would assist in ending abuse, dog-fighting, irresponsible ownership, and negative breed stigma. LCPC works to advocate for and preserve America’s historically honored and and highly respected, but currently most misunderstood and abused breed in history – the American Pit Bull Terrier.
Come and help us party while we raise money for a great cause!!
Pre-Fest Poker Run:
- Sign-up - 11am.
- 1st Bike out: 12:30pm.
Music Festival gates open to the public from 3pm-11pm.