Greenlick Dam Fishing Derby
Join JCWA for our 8th Annual Fishing Derby at Greenlick Run Lake on Sat. June 15th, 5:00-8:00pm.
All ages are invited to fish the lake for 3 hours starting at 5:00pm. JCWA staff and volunteers will weigh and measure your catches.
1st - 3rd : Largest Cumulative Weight Adult
1st - 3rd : Largest Cumulative Weight Child
1st : Shortest Fish (by length)
1st: Largest Bass (by weight)
Entry Fee:
*you can purchase tickets at the event to avoid the online fees*
Adult (16 and up)* = $10
Youth (15 and under)* = Free
*all 16&up in attendance must posses a valid 2024 Pennsylvania Fishing License in accordance with PA law. We will ask to see this upon check in.
Our annual Fishing Derby provides an opportunity to build community and encourage interest in angling in a fun, competitive atmosphere. Hosted on our largest reservoir Greenlick Run Lake, participants young and old can fish for species like Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Black Crappie, Yellow Perch, Walleye, Channel Catfish, Common Carp, and even Northern Pike!
See full contest rules and details below!
Registration begins at 5:00pm and closes at 8pm. Participants will be ineligible to win prizes if not registered before 8:00pm
Cash Prizes will be awarded in age categories Kids (15 & Under) and Adults (16 & Up). See prize categories below.
All Participants 16 & Up are required to possess a legal 2024 PA Fishing License to be displayed on entry. No exceptions. Out-of-state licenses accepted, trout stamps not required.
Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are prohibited on the Greenlick Run Lake property at all times, including the duration of the event. Violation of park rules is grounds for immediate disqualification.
ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING FAMILIAR WITH AND ABIDING BY PENNSYLVANIA FISH & BOAT COMMISSION LAW including seasons, creel limits, and species restrictions for Inland Waters. JCWA assumes NO responsibility and will not explicitly review laws with participants unless directly asked to do so on individual issues. A responsible angler knows the law. Violation of PA Fish & Boat Law will result in immediate disqualification and potential legal action.
All fish to be entered in the derby must be measured and weighed by a JCWA volunteer while ALIVE. No personal measurements will be accepted. Dead fish on ice, on stringers, or otherwise are ineligible for measurement in the contest.
Fish will be measured by length and weight. Weight is cumulative over the duration of the event per individual and used toward our Grand Prize (see all Prize categories and details below). Be sure to measure all fish you catch, since 10 sunfish might outweigh one bass in the end!
While all eligible fish must be measured alive, the event is catch-and-release optional. Harvest of species after measurement is permissible in accordance with 2024 PA Fish & Boat Commission creel limits and species regulations for Inland Waters.
Boats are permitted at this event in accordance with PA Fish & Boat Commission regulations for Greenlick Run Lake. All laws pertaining to boating and personal flotation devices (PFDs) must be followed for the duration of the event.
Any live wells on boats and/or coolers to be used in the holding or transportation of fish during the event must be presented to JCWA staff during registration for inspection (to ensure no outside fish are brought therein).
Interfering with anglers on the lakeshore by boat (boating within casting distance of shore near other anglers, or other disruptive activities) is unsportsmanlike and will not be tolerated. Verbal warnings or disqualification will be issued at the discretion of JCWA staff.
Contact JCWA staff BEFORE the event for further inquiries regarding event rules.