KING CAKE!! KINGdom Drag King Brunch + Special Guests! @ The Mystic Santa Fe
Lets get down and drrrty celebrating the art and excitement of MARDI GRAS with a Drag King inspired themed brunch w/
special themed brunch menu items NOLA style.
You are NOT gonna wanna miss this!
Tickets sell fast, ya'll - snatch em up real quick!
This is for TICKET SALES/TABLES only.
5% of ticket sales will be donated to NAMI-Santa Fe.
NAMI-Santa Fe is a volunteer-based local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (www.nami.org) , the nation’s largest grassroots-based organization dedicated to building better lives for millions of Americans affected by mental illness – including those that experience mental health conditions and their loved ones. We also reach out to the general public to provide education around mental illnesses and thoughts and ideas on how all of us can maintain our mental health to lead as happy and rewarding lives as possible. NAMI-Santa Fe is an “affiliate” of NAMI-New Mexico (www.naminm.org)
Doors @11am / Order Food / Drinks
Showtime 11:45am
DJ- Baby D
Emcee - Rori the Rebel
Kitten/Stage Hand - Rex J. Phjourn
Performing NM Drag Kings:
Rusty Galore Nutz, Rocco Steele, Phantom Nips, Trey C. Michaels & Benjamin Banjee
Special Guests:
Holly Rebelle - ABQ, Burlesque
Mona Chromatic - Santa Fe Alterna/Drag Queen
No Refunds