Manhattan Short Film Festival - Big Sky
10 Finalists in the 2024 edition of the Manhattan Short Film Festival
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Thu, Oct 03 - 09:00 PM
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Manhattan Short Film Festival
The Final Ten selections for its 27th Annual Short Film Festival, a worldwide event taking place in over 500 venues across six continents between September 26 and October 6, 2024. MANHATTAN SHORT is the only event of its kind. The Final Ten screen simultaneously across the world during a one-week period, with the Best Film and Best Actor awards determined by ballots cast by the audiences in each participating venue. By virtue of their selection by MANHATTAN SHORT, each short film is automatically Oscar-qualified.
Date & Time
The Big Sky screening of the Manhattan Short Film Festival will be playing at the Big Sky Waypoint on Thursday, October 3rd at 7PM.
You Be the Judge!
Which of these Final Ten short films is the best? That's up to a worldwide audience to decide. Cinema-goers across the United States and around the globe will become instant film critics as they are handed a ballot upon entry that allows them to vote for the Best Film and Actor. MANHATTAN SHORT is the ultimate audience award that salutes the creative talents of both directors behind the camera and actors in front of it. Votes will be sent through to MANHATTAN SHORT HQ with the winner announced at ManhattanShort.com on Monday Oct 9.
The Final Ten selections for its 27th Annual Short Film Festival, a worldwide event taking place in over 500 venues across six continents between September 26 and October 6, 2024. MANHATTAN SHORT is the only event of its kind. The Final Ten screen simultaneously across the world during a one-week period, with the Best Film and Best Actor awards determined by ballots cast by the audiences in each participating venue. By virtue of their selection by MANHATTAN SHORT, each short film is automatically Oscar-qualified.
Date & Time
The Big Sky screening of the Manhattan Short Film Festival will be playing at the Big Sky Waypoint on Thursday, October 3rd at 7PM.
You Be the Judge!
Which of these Final Ten short films is the best? That's up to a worldwide audience to decide. Cinema-goers across the United States and around the globe will become instant film critics as they are handed a ballot upon entry that allows them to vote for the Best Film and Actor. MANHATTAN SHORT is the ultimate audience award that salutes the creative talents of both directors behind the camera and actors in front of it. Votes will be sent through to MANHATTAN SHORT HQ with the winner announced at ManhattanShort.com on Monday Oct 9.
This Year's List: Hailing from eight countries, this year's Ten MANHATTAN SHORT Finalists are: The Talent (UK), I'm Not a Robot (The Netherlands), Mother (Ukraine), Dovecote (Italy), Pathological (USA), Alarms (France), Favourites (Australia), The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent (Croatia), Room Taken (Ireland), Jane Austen's Period Drama (USA).
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