Pin Up Paws Party 2023
The Pin Up Paws Party is the largest fundraising effort the St. Augustine Humane Society hosts each year. All of the money raised will directly benefit our programs and resources which provide lifesaving care to pets who need it most.
Our Pin Up Paws annual campaign includes the publication of our signature calendar. In its 13th year, we invited all beloved pets to compete for a spot in the 2024 “Best Buds” calendar contest. We will reveal the new calendar with its flower garden theme at our Pin Up Paws Party on Friday, November 3, 2023
Our PUP Party is always fun, and this year will be no exception! This year it will be held at the beautiful Embassy Suites St. Augustine Beach.
The festivities include dinner, complimentary wine, cash bar, music by the House Cats jazz quartet, silent auction, wine pull, and a free copy of the 2024 Best Buds calendar.
Valet parking at the hotel is an additional $15 per vehicle.
Please be aware that this event is not able to accommodate pets, so we ask that Fido and Fluffy sit this one out.
Our Pin Up Paws Auction includes an Online Auction along with the Event Silent Auction.
Items are available for viewing online, with new items being added each day.
If you're unable to attend the party, You can still have fun with our Online Auction. Go to PUPauction.org
The Humane Society relies on the support of the community for the success of our programs. It is only with your help that we are able to make a difference. Thank you for your support!