Yeladim Registration Yom Teruah
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Wed, Oct 02 - 09:00 PM
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We are so excited to join with millions around the world who will celebrate the High Holy Days.
Tonight is the first celebration. Yom Teruah, day of shouting, and it is a prophetic time of announcing the coming of the King. You will hear and participate in ancient chants and modern music. A message of hope and challenge will be heard and felt throughout the evening.
Childcare registration is needed to ensure proper staffing of our Yeladim Ministry. Once you arrive at the Church you will need to check your child in. We will have greeters to assist in directing you to the Children's area. Childcare registration will end on Sunday September 29th.
The evening will start with a beautiful banquet style dinner will be served at 5:30pm-6:45pm. This will be a time of food and fellowship prior to the service. Registration for the dinner is required but not to attend the service. We have both single and Family tickets available. Dinner registration will end on September 29th at 10pm. If you have any questions or need assistance with registration please email leighanne@beonetoday.org.
The Shofars blow and the service begins at 7:00 pm. This is a unique and special year. We have all experienced the turmoil which has happened in our country and world. Let us gather together in these days to repent, restore and rejoice in the appointed times of the L-rd.
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