Youth Day at The Brandermill Market
Youth crafts featured at The Brandermill Market
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Aug 18 - 06:00 PM
Sold Out
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Once a month The Brandermill Market would like to feature our young makers and entrepreneurs by offering them a 1/2 spot at the market at no cost. This is the perfect way for them to get out and showcase their product, learn a bit about marketing, and also customer service. We ask that all Youth Vendors make their own products. Youth vendors should be under the age of 18. All requests to take part in the Youth Day at the Market must be in at least one week prior to the market you plan to attend. Note: this will be in addition to our regular Brandermill Market and vendors.
*** After registration you will receive an email from the coordinator accepting your registration and product
*** After registration you will receive an email from the coordinator accepting your registration and product
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