Fall Tire Round-Up
JCWA and Michael Brothers Recycling are partnering to collect and dispose of old tires on Saturday, October 5th. Organize a dumpsite clean up with a group or just bring any tires that you have lying around your property. All tires will be disposed of properly and at no cost!
Signs will direct you to a drop off location. Volunteers will be available to help remove tires from your vehicle.
JCWA will ONLY accept whole, regular sized tires such as car tires and light weight truck tires. Pieces of tires, tractor tires, tires on rims, etc. will NOT be accepted. All tires should be clean and free of excess debris.
LIMIT OF 8 TIRES PER PERSON (if you are planning to bring more than 8 tires, are a group planning to organize a dumpsite clean-up, please reach out to us at 724-619-1017)
Tires are a significant source of pollution in our watershed. Because of costs associated with their proper disposal, they are one of the most common items in illegal dumpsites. In nature they can release chemicals over time as well as collect stagnant water, providing the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos. By offering a free disposal service, JCWA hopes to remove these hazards from our watershed and help cut back on mosquito populations capable of spreading diseases like West Nile Virus.
Plan on coming? Registration is required due to high demand. Register here so we know how many tires to expect and to ensure that your tires will be accepted. Walk-ins will NOT be accepted.